Manikin Drawing.

Drawing a figure using a manikin is similar to figure drawing but requires much more creativity for the finishing touches. But in the need for creativity I like to push for the creativity to come up with more interesting characters.

El dibujo de una persona que usa un maniquí es similar a dibujar a una persona a partir de vida pero requiere mucho más creatividad para los tactos del acabamiento. Pero en la necesidad de la creatividad tengo gusto de animar caracteres más interesantes.

Esboçar uma pessoa que usa um manikin é similar a esboçar uma pessoa da vida mas requer muito mais creatividade. Mas na necessidade para a creatividade eu gosto de incentivar uns caráteres mais interessantes.      

Le dessin d'une personne à l'aide d'un mannequin est semblable à tirer une personne de la vie mais exige beaucoup plus de créativité pour les contacts de finissage. Mais dans le besoin de créativité j'aime encourager des caractères plus intéressants.


Рисовать рисунок используя manikin подобен для того чтобы вычислять рисовать но требует очень больше creativity для касаний отделкой. Но в потребности для creativity я люблю нажать для creativity для того чтобы come up с более интересными характерами.

يلخّص شخص يستعمل دمية العرض مماثلة إلى يلخّص شخص من حياة غير أنّ يتطلّب كثير كثير إبداع. غير أنّ في الحاجة لإبداع يحبّ أنا أن يشجّع أكثر رموز ممتعة


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When drawing a manikin start with gesture lines. I like to start with the head and the curve of the back.


Notice how the head is slightly tilted to the left.


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At this point what looks a simple stick figure is very important for proportions. When drawing each line and circle for the arms, legs, and joints compare its length and position to each part of the body already drawn.


Fill in the figure using the manikin to help (especially if you are not familiar with anatomy). Notice how the manikin's upper part of each section of its arm and leg is thicker at the top (or in the case of the arms as they are closer to the shoulder).


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Start filling in detail of the anatomy.


Try variations on the anatomy.


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More variations.


With this variation I made the legs shorter.


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Clic sur une boîte pour des instructions.

Complete your drawing (click on a link below if needed).

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